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Development Of A Device For Softening The Circulating Water Of The Cooling System Of Stationary Mine Compressor Units

Khatamova Dilshoda Narmuratovna , Republic Of Uzbekistan, Navoi Region, Navoi, Spitamen, Uzbekistan


The operation of mine compressors in the mining industry is one of the energy-consuming processes that require resource saving. In the balance of mining enterprises, the specific weight of compressor equipment that produces compressed air as pneumatic energy is 20-35% and its further improvement affects the indicators of subsequent technological processes. The widespread use of compressed air requires the need to reduce operating costs by developing effective technical solutions in the process of producing compressed air at industrial enterprises and increasing the energy efficiency of operating compressor units.

To date, a number of significant shortcomings of the cooling system caused by the peculiarities of the principle of their operation have been identified throughout the world during the operation of mine compressor units. Thus, the undercooling of air in reciprocating compressors for every 5-6℃ increases the energy consumption for air compression by 1%, and the productivity decreases by 8-10%, which leads to significant economic losses in the production of compressed air.

In this regard, there is a need to study the influence of the quality of compressed air cooling on the efficiency of the compressor unit, to develop scientific foundations for improving the efficiency of mine compressor units by improving their cooling system, to develop a device for softening make-up water.


Compressor, cooling system, temperature, compressed air, heat transfer, cooling tower, intercooler, power consumption, air heating, supply coefficient, air cooler, scale in coolers, water softening,, coal sorbent


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Khatamova Dilshoda Narmuratovna. (2021). Development Of A Device For Softening The Circulating Water Of The Cooling System Of Stationary Mine Compressor Units. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(08), 18–26.