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Improving The System Supporting The Private Sector Is The Basis For Forming A Competitive Economy

Lochinbek Fayzullayevich Amirov , Associate Professor, PhD Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan
Kholbek Shoniyozovich Choriyev , Master Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan


The article examines the process of improving the system of state support for the private sector as a basis for building a competitive economy. At the same time, problematic processes for improving the system of state support for the private sector have been studied on a systematic basis. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations on the possibility of building a competitive economy by improving the system of state support for the private sector.


Market economy, private sector, classical market economy, domestic market competitiveness, market segment, innovation factor, competitive economy, institutional mechanism, security economy


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Amirov, L. F. ., & Choriyev, K. S. . (2021). Improving The System Supporting The Private Sector Is The Basis For Forming A Competitive Economy. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(02), 38–44.